Bernard Charivari 10g
Bernard Charivari 10g
A popular smokeless nasal snuff with a mildly mentholated flavor and notes of fruity, spicy, and spirits. Made from a blend of German, Polish, and Russian tobacco, it has a medium brown color and medium coarse grind. With high nicotine and beginner-friendly ease of use, it's a must-try for snuff enthusiasts.
A mock serenade by joyous people, a Charivari is also a drinking song performed by drunks. If ever you have the privilege of attending Oktoberfest or visiting one of Munich’s many beer halls, you will quickly get acquainted with both Oompah music and the drinking anthem: Ein Prosit. Once over-bloated on Bier, festivities are prolonged though the transition to Kirshwasser, a clear spiritus made from double distilled Morello or sour cherries. Kirshwasser is the fuel of choice to most fire breathing dragons and is an aggravating factor in many bad decisions. Bernard’s “Charivari” is a fermented snuff flavoured with Kirshwasser. It tastes of sour cherries, nuts and lilies. It is wonderful when drinking…heavily. With no burn to speak of, this spiritus snuff clears the sinuses and accelerates the air we breath. High in nicotine, it packs the punch of an ornery mule. Well and worthily recommended, “Charivari” is one of the few known antidotes to heavy Bavarian fare.