FUBAR Snafu Plain 30g
FUBAR Snafu Plain 30g
Lachhman Dass
A high-nicotine, non-mentholated nasal snuff with a sweet and earthy flavor. Made with a blend of Chopadia and Oriental tobacco, this medium grind snuff is easy to use and has a medium moisture level for a smooth experience. Enjoy a smokeless alternative with FUBAR Snafu Plain.
Fubar Plain snuff is a pale brown, finely ground product, with a neutral flavor, imo. However once you learn to snuff it carefully it’s a nice blast of nicotine with little throat drip. It also mixes well with scented snuff, whether to increase the nicotine level or to stretch out a favorite your running low on. I had passed on it many times before ordering a tin a few months ago. I’m glad I tried it! Now it’s one I always have an extra tin or two of in my snuff drawer.